Every woman using her gifts for God’s glory feels stuck sometimes. That’s where we come in. At Go + Tell Gals, we equip and encourage women to step boldly into their calling, see real fruit in their work, and keep going for the long haul. You don’t have to do this alone—we’re on your team.
You know that you have a God-given message to share. But getting started? That's got you stuck. You have so many questions: Is this idea really good enough to be a book? Am I qualified? How do I even think about starting in publishing? WRITE NOW is for you.
The Kingdom needs your message, friend. We've coached hundreds of writers & speakers since 2018. From your initial idea, to writing your book proposal, to creating a marketing plan that gets your message in the right hands, we're on your team.
We equip fellow strategic exhorters with our proven 6-step methodology. Become a Go & Tell Gals coach this year. Already a coach? We're still here for you. Get rested at Soul Camp, or get your own coaching with a session with our team.
You’re a leader—if you walk with God, you’re an ambassador. And we’re here to be on your team. We’ve coached thousands of leaders, helping them start and keep going. We do this, so you can step into your calling with clarity and confidence.
After spending some time with GATG, we pray you won’t either.
You have been given gifts, strengths, weaknesses, and a story intentionally, by a very good Father. Our prayer is that we’re able to come alongside you with wisdom, strategy, and practical tools so those gifts can be used to the fullest to give Him glory and serve the world around you. You in?
The first step to living into the abundance and joy available in this season is to NAME it! Our free guide will help you acknowledge the land you're living in + give a name to this season.
Apparel, art prints, and stationary products to keep you speaking life and living on mission. Explore our latest collection & bestsellers.
Oversized, midweight (not too heavy or light), and life-speaking — catch us wearing this on repeat.
This hat is for the women ready to embody hope, carry grace, and proclaim LIFE in the midst of a broken world. Pray, yap, spread the Good News.
We don’t just react to the world’s news. We declare a better, more hopeful message. We focus on the Good, believing if it’s not good, it’s not over.
We might not be hearing Good News, but we can still spread it. Join us in the Good News Club!
We'll help you figure out how to take your next right step. Let's do it together!