transform your calling

into your career

More than a “guru” or an “expert,” a Go + Tell Gals Coach is a strategic encourager, trained to walk alongside people and help them take steps forward. You’re gifted at seeing the path forward, speaking life, and calling people into abundance. Now, you’ll be formally equipped to walk with people from pain to fruit.

Whether you’ve been coaching formally or are just learning that you’ve been “coaching” all this time – this program is for you. 

join the waitlist

a quiz for you


You’ve got a sense that your love for strategy and encouraging others is more than it seems. We think you might be right. Find out your unique coaching gifting with our quiz!

take the quiz

it's time for you to join

Get formally equipped with our proven 6-step methodology, developed by our founding coach Jess Connolly, and coached for life in our community as you step out and coach others.

our proprietary 6-step method created by jess connolly and used to coach hundreds of thousands of women

lifetime access to our vibrant coach community, 250+ strong, including ongoing coaching events & resources.

2-day commissioning retreat in charleston, sc.

this is for me

meet our


Pressure’s off, friend: your expertise isn’t the defining factor of your coaching. Founder Jess Connolly developed our 6-step framework as a tried-and-true structure to guide others out of complacency and fear and into action. Our six steps have helped thousands of individuals and teams in a variety of seasons and industries take obedient steps forward. Now, it’s your turn to use them with the people you’re called to.

To "quit" is to let go of unhealthy
motivations and unhelpful expectations, so that your client can be motivated by what is most productive, while also heading on a clear path.

“Who” is determining the people groups your client is uniquely created to serve. "Who" not only helps give you direction and vision, it also brings motivation and a sense of passion.

“What” is helping your client determine how their unique strengths, story, and weaknesses
equip them to serve their who.

“Fear” is helping a client name their fears, take the power away from their fears, and fight their fears with truth.

“Vision” is where we help clients determine where they’re headed long term while creating a few measurable action steps. Vision is working backwards with freedom and intention.

“Go” is where we partner with clients to move forward with urgent and immediate action.

The GATG coaching certification program truly is amazing! 

It is encouraging, empowering, and I've left with a strong foundation to start my coaching business! The program includes sound teaching, resources, and a supportive community of Christian women who are committed to seeing you walk fully in your God-given mission! My life has been changed and I am confident that God will do the same for you!

Kirstyn Mayden

ministry coach

renee dollenmayer

life coach

angela talley

leadership coach

denita arnold

life coach

kind words

kind words

Kirstyn Mayden

ministry coach

angela talley

leadership coach

denita arnold

life coach

The Go and Tells Gals Coaching Certification Program changed my life.

renee dollenmayer

life coach

This program provided me the tools to move forward with clarity and vision. This program reminded me of my why and allowed me to finally walk in freedom knowing that God has good plans for his daughters in Jesus name.

Kirstyn Mayden

ministry coach

renee dollenmayer

life coach

denita arnold

life coach

 I am forever grateful to Jess and her amazing team for making this achievable.

angela talley

leadership coach

I understood the desires God placed in my heart to serve women, but I didn't have a clear picture of how to start. The Go & Tell Coaching licensing program jumpstarted me with steps and a loving community to welcome the dreams God placed in my heart years ago! I am forever grateful to Jess and her amazing team for making this achievable.

Kirstyn Mayden

ministry coach

renee dollenmayer

life coach

angela talley

leadership coach

Go + Tell Gals is life changing. It has been a catalyst to change in my life. 

denita arnold

life coach

Their passion for the good of others and the glory of God is evident in everything they do. Because of the GATG team and community, I am now equipped and encouraged to do the same. Thank you, Jess Connelly, for your vision and obedience. Thank you GATG team from the bottom of my heart. To God be the glory!

kind words

in-depth coaching & feedback

commissioning retreat

on-going coaching & support

26+ hours of active training

6 Live Coaching Sessions with Jess Connolly & the GATG Team in the 6-step method will help you develop your personal coaching practice. All video sessions are recorded and available in our easy-to-navigate portal (along with in-depth notes and support resources).

cohort experience

3 Cohort Weeks: You’ll be placed in a small group of fellow coaches so you can learn and process together and support one another as you stretch into this calling.

practical assessments & feedback

Live Coaching – You’ll have ample experience practicing your new skills with fellow coaches.

Homework – Beyond the 6-Step Method, your homework will include crafting a business plan, determining your coaching niche, and self-coaching practices.

Assessment – Our veteran coaches and Team GATG want you to thrive! You’ll have a final coaching assessment and will receive supportive feedback.

in-depth coaching & feedback

commissioning retreat

on-going coaching & support

Join us for 2 days of live coaching and commissioning in Charleston, SC led by Jess Connolly and Team GATG. 

Our goal is for you to graduate as a new coach overflowing with spiritual abundance, confident in your calling, and taking clear next steps as you return home.

you'll receive:

Professional headshots, practical training sessions on branding and marketing, breakout deep-dive sessions, vision casting and culture coaching, and so, so much more. You can expect plenty of surprise and delight as you soak up the equipping and connect with your coaching community.

in-depth coaching & feedback

commissioning retreat

on-going coaching & support

slack workspace

Join our vibrant Slack Workspace of fellow GATG coaches! Weekly encouragement, community discussions, and equipping will spur you on in your calling. This is your team!

coaching for coaches

Attend Coaching for Coaches, our quarterly equipping sessions with guest experts hosted just for our coaches.

our best resources

Dig into our best resources for staying spiritually healthy in this calling, as well as in buildling your platform and staying profitable.

so what's included?

Beyond the 6-step method, Go + Tell Gals Coaching Certification supports you as you turn your calling into your career with resources and training to build your platform and reach your people. We invite you to dive as deep into this program as possible. This is something we want for you, not from you. 

application process




Step one is simple: apply. No commitment, just a first step into exploring if this is the program for you. We encourage women to apply as a prayer.

Schedule a 15-minute get-to-know-you call with one of our team members. She’ll ask you about coaching, and you’ll ask her your questions about the program.

Welcome! The program officially kicks off on September 23, 2025. You’ll choose your payment plan, and you’ll be able to start sharing about your next steps!

join the waitlist

coaching women for 13+ years

we're out to equip them.

the world needs coaches;

Jess has been coaching women with the 6-step method since 2012, long before Go + Tell Gals was a reality. She realized (thanks to her mom and our first-ever certified coach, Deb Hopper) that other women needed equipping to step fully into their coaching gifting, and the Coaching Certification Program was born in 2020 when we licensed our first-ever group of 30 coaches.

This year marks our 6th program, wherein you’ll join over 250 coaches who have been equipped and commissioned through this program. We praise God for these women and the Gospel-centered, obsessed-with-others, and methodology-rooted calling they’ve embraced for the good of others and the glory of God.

meet your team


We want to bless you as you invest in your calling, and we’re honored to be on your team. Choose the payment plan option that works best for you, and please don’t let the investment keep you from applying. Take that first step!

payment plans available


Pricelis Dominguez

ministry coach & author

heather carlisle

spiritual coach

morgan strehlow

literary editor & book coach

liz cox

business coach

Journeying with called women towards unstuckness and growing your business. 


Pricelis Dominguez

Pricelis Dominguez

ministry coach & author

heather carlisle

spiritual coach

morgan strehlow

literary editor & book coach

liz cox

business coach

Through one-on-one coaching or retreats focused on rest + healing, Heather will get you to Jesus


heather carlisle

Pricelis Dominguez

ministry coach & author

heather carlisle

spiritual coach

morgan strehlow

literary editor & book coach

liz cox

business coach

Morgan comes alongside authors from longing to launch, cultivating courage, clarifying their message, and offering accountability and soul care through the writing and publishing process.


morgan strehlow

Pricelis Dominguez

ministry coach & author

heather carlisle

spiritual coach

morgan strehlow

literary editor & book coach

liz cox

business coach

Here at the Refined Business Collective, we empower small business owners to refine your work rhythms through coaching & brand management to help our clients feel equipped and supported in their callings.


liz cox

what our coaches are up to

Become a Coach

Meet Our Coaches


what are the program dates?

The 2024 cohort of the Go + Tell Gals Coaching Certification program begins on September 17, 2024 and runs for 9 weeks, culminating in our Charleston, SC retreat on December 9 and 10, 2024.

The retreat is December 9 and 10, 2024, in Charleston, SC. All retreat costs are covered. Coaches are responsible for transportation, lodging, and meals outside of retreat hours.

The certification costs $4,700 in total and multiple payment plan options are available. There's a $100 deposit for everyone, and then you can choose to pay in full, in 4 monthly installments of $1,175, or in a year-long plan of $391.66 for 12 months.

After 5 cohorts of coaches and retreats, we've come to find that the retreat is an essential component of the coaching certification process.

While it's not "required," if you're unable to attend the retreat this year, we encourage you to consider waiting until can attend!

when is the retreat?

how much does the program cost?

do i have to attend the retreat?

YES! If you already have an established coaching practice, we believe this certification program will add significant structure, support, and insight to your work. Many of our coaches have existing practices or informal coaching experience!

YES! If you are brand-new to coaching, you will find incredible value in calling out your gifting, developing your coaching skill, and launching your coaching business. Many of our coaches are new to coaching!

is this for me if i'm already coaching?

is this for me if i've never coached?