our team is on your team

All-Day Coaching Sessions

Join us in person in Charleston, SC for powerful & strategic equipping with our entire team, led by Jess Connolly. For called women and teams ready to get unstuck and back on-mission.

for called women

for teams

for authors

We all get stuck. But in Jesus’ name, we don't have to stay there.

Your calling, the vision of your organization, the message of your book — it’s all too vital to stay stuck in fear, confusion, and overwhelm. We’ve been coaching women & teams for nearly a decade, and we can’t wait to come alongside and help you get started and keep going.

1 day of coaching for the woman on mission

Signature All-Day Session

This session will take you through our 6-step coaching framework to help you name your calling with clarity, remove the obstacles of doubt and fear, and chart a path to real impact-making movement in your real life.

Investment: $2,000+

This session is ideal for:

  • The woman feeling stuck in her calling

  • The woman who has a book idea and isn’t sure where to go with it

  • The woman who wants to develop a speaking ministry

  • The woman who has a great product 

  • Influencers or online leaders who want to step into greater authority 

  • Ministry leaders who are tired


Headshots + $300

one-page brand guide +$500

1.5 days of coaching for the team

Team Session

This session is purposed for teams ready to access their mission and vision with power and sustainability, maximize the gifts of their team, steward their resources well, and move on mission for the long haul.

Investment: $5,000

This session is completely tailored to each team. Deliverables may include:

  • Refined team culture

  • Unified goals

  • Updated rhythms and routines

  • Clarified vision

1.5 days of coaching For the author with a book deal or manuscript

Author Session

We’ve been planning book launches for over 10 years, and it’s our joy to help the message-minded woman strategically plan her book launch, whether it’s her first or her tenth. Come with a book deal or a completed manuscript and leave with clear, actionable steps to make the most of your publishing timeline.

Investment: $3,500+

Deliverables may include:

  • Book reader deep dive

  • Book marketing timeline

  • Identify key concepts 

  • Platform growth plan 

  • Funnel development 

  • Email marketing strategy

  • Personal rhythms and soul care for book launch

  • Nurture campaign ideas

  • Identifying and strategizing goals for launch