First, Quit. Then Keep Going.
Happy Monday, friend! We're here with some equipping and encouragement to keep you running on mission this week.
Before you start, quit.
We know this sounds counterproductive, but go with us for a minute.
Do you have an 'ideal self'?
Someone you aspire to be on your very best day, but you're never quite her? Here's the thing: our actual selves are immensely more powerful than our ideal selves. Our ideal selves never actually show up and they can’t access weakness, so they can’t access strength.
2 Corinthians 12:9 tells us that His power is made perfect in our weaknesses. He made us – gifts, abilities, strengths, and weaknesses – just as we are, on purpose. As a new week begins, we encourage you to quit idolizing your ideal self.
Throw off any unrealistic expectations you've set so you can be open-handed and ready for what God has for you – your true, actual self. Your ideal self isn't real, and she isn't you. And that's good news.
Quit trying to be anyone other than who God purposed you to be. Then keep going after the things He has for you.