How Rhythms + Routines are serving Henslee in this Season

My word of the year for 2021 was in fact Rhythm and wow oh wow was that timely. Finding Rhythms and Routines is not something that comes naturally to me, so I chose to search for them this last year.

I like feeling free and sometimes a super tight schedule makes me feel stressed. In the past, I’ve found myself swinging back and forth trying to find the best structure that works for me but ultimately quitting because I feel overwhelmed. Over this past year, I have prioritized finding Rhythms that simplify my life and serve my family. I have found that while an hour-by-hour schedule and a strict calendar are not lifegiving to me, rhythms and loose routines bless the socks off of me!


This last year has been full of transitions for me. I became a mom for the very first time, moved into our first house, shifted in my role here at Go and Tell Gals, and my husband started medical school. Our life is very full at the moment. We anticipated that this year would be a lot, so we planned a two-night retreat in January to map out our year. We wrote down important dates, discussed our individual goals for the year, shared the things we were most looking forward to, prayed and wrote prayer requests for the year, picked out some family scripture, and wrote a motto for the year. Taking these few days to dream, plan, and just intentionally think about the year ahead, gave us a great start to begin leaning into the rhythms of the year to come. It was super helpful for our marriage, and for our family to get on the same page. This is something we will continue to do for years to come. 


Similarly to the yearly retreat, my husband and I touch base at the beginning of every month to go over important dates, travel, the baby’s schedule, social events, etc.  After meeting with him, I have my own monthly meeting with myself to go over personal and professional goals for the weeks to come. I like to use Google Calendar to take note of meetings, doctor’s appointments, family commitments, and so much more. It is easy to glance at my phone and know what is coming up.


Weekly Rhythms are probably the easiest ones for me to implement. Even though each day looks different, the flow and rhythm of each week are consistent. There are three things that I do each week that have been helpful in keeping things organized and simple.

  1. Never miss a Monday.

    I have found that my week is a lot more productive when I bring my full self to the table on Monday. Monday is my longest workday and the earliest morning I have all week. This is my day with childcare for my son, so I try to maximize my time to the fullest. To sum it up, I just try to show up with all I’ve got on the first day of the workweek. 

  2. One planned social event.

    I don’t know about you, but finding time for friends and socializing can sometimes be difficult. We reserve Wednesday nights for this each week. Sometimes it looks like sharing a home-cooked meal, and sometimes it looks like going on a quick after-work walk together. Each week I know that I have this space and capacity for friends. It has been working really well!

  3. We make Sunday morning church a priority.

    There are definitely things that come up every now and again, but we do everything in our power to be there on Sunday. This has become a consistent practice and pillar in our week as a family. It is easy these days to just listen to the podcast, or watch the recording, but being there in person with your people is unmatched. This is not something that has always come first for me, but I can honestly say it has impacted my life drastically. If you are looking for consistency or stability in your life, try and commit to showing up on Sunday! It really changes your whole life rhythm.


Each day for me looks totally different. Between being a mama and working, it can get a little crazy. Some days I work in the office and some days I stay at home with my son, but there are a few things I do each day to keep me grounded. I’ll share a few things about mom life and my personal life.

A word on baby routines: 

My son is not on a strict schedule. We have always prioritized routine with him, and that is what works best for us! We have loosely stuck to an Eat, Play, Sleep rhythm from the time we brought him home from the hospital. This is the outline and structure that we model his days around. Obviously, as he grows, it shifts and stretches, but his days are still very much in this pattern. He might not be on an hour-by-hour schedule, but there are some things that he does every single day. Two simple things we do are; get outside and go on an outing. 

We always get outside. Whether it is a walk, or sitting on the back porch, he always gets some fresh air. Another thing that we try to do is get out of the house. Especially on the days that I am home with him, we try to go on at least one outing. It is great for him and great for me. Some days it could be the farmers market with a friend, and some days it is the Starbucks drive-through, but getting out of the house blesses us both. Life with a new baby is a whole other kind of routine, but giving myself grace, leaning on rhythms that serve us, and being present has been helpful in this transition to motherhood. If you are a new mama, I’m here to remind you that you are the best parent for your baby. There is no magical schedule or formula. Find and implement the things that bless your family. Trust your gut- you’ve got this! 

My Personal Rhythms: 

  1. I get ready every day.

    Whether it is sticking to my skincare and throwing on yoga pants, or putting on a cute outfit and curling my hair. Taking 15-20 to show up for myself every morning before the baby wakes up, sets the tone for my whole day. 

  2. I move my body every day.

    I am in a season where I have the time and support to do a workout class every single day. This is a staple in my afternoons and gives me the endorphins and energy I need to show up for my family. 

  3. I have a nightly check-in with my husband.

    After the baby is asleep, we set aside some time for a reset. How was your day? What was your favorite thing you did today? Or What do you have going on tomorrow? These questions help us reconnect and get ready for the next day ahead. 

One thing that I have learned about Rhythms and Routines, is that they are ever-changing. As your life grows and changes, so will the structure of your time. Giving yourself room to breathe and grace to not have it all figured out, are the only way to Rhythms work. Do what works right now and reevaluate as you go! We are all evolving and growing, and no one is doing it perfectly. 

Our Rhythms of Worship & Work course is an amazing deep dive into structuring your life with rhythms to keep your eyes on what matters. If you’re ready to create some rhythms of your own, it’s for you!

Thanks for being here, friend!


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