Are you afraid of being misunderstood by pursuing a life and purpose unique to you? Are you worried your next step might make you the “odd one out”? Do you feel behind or, perhaps, too far ahead in your season of life? In a world that’s greatest desire is to be on trend, perhaps you are meant to stand out. In a world that is constantly looking for the next best thing, perhaps you are right where you’re supposed to be, being exactly who you are supposed to be. As a military spouse, student, and coach, Abbi has overcome the feelings of comparison and doubt that come with pursuing the unique call placed on her life. She is passionate and determined to see other women do the same in their homes, relationships, and businesses by crushing the societal expectation that women are supposed to fit a man made standard. Abbi believes that it is possible to break the mold, escape the timelines, and unapologetically live the life that is meant just for you. Regardless of where you might find yourself, it is possible to embrace the life you’re living and celebrate right where you are. Let’s connect!

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Victoria Stewart Malone


Megan Estrem