Amber Leonard


When my son was 10 months old, he was diagnosed with significant needs, and our world changed forever. Our dreams for the future shifted, everyday tasks became overwhelming—the grief was real. But within the grief and anxiety and unknown, I reclaimed my joy, identity, and community. Now, I’m helping moms like you experience the real joy that’s found on this side of a diagnosis. Here at Joy/Side, you’ll find resources, support, coaching, and community to help you live well in the life you’ve been given. Joyside is here to be your friend and guide as you navigate these interrupted expectations and learn to live in the both/and of this disability life. If you’re a church looking to launch a holistic disability ministry, I’d love to consult with you. The Family of God is lacking without people with disabilities. If your church is ready to explore this territory for the first time or expand from a 1:1 program to a dedicated ministry, my experience building a disability ministry at a local church could be the support you need.

Email Amber at


Jenn Strobl


Bailey Kysar