Amber Schumacher is a licensed grit & grace coach with Go + Tell Gals. She believes in the power of our stories and deeply rooted relationships. Every story matters and she loves that we get to use them to empower others, offer hope and encourage people to grow. She is passionate about experiencing the extraordinary in the most ordinary moments of life & pursuing growth by uncovering the catalyst God wants to use in the midst of our actual stories. Her journey in ADHD parenting radically transformed her storyline as she has navigated motherhood and church leadership. She knows what its like to need to access both grit and grace to build kingdom resilience. Supporting moms and helping them pursue passion, hope and peace is one of her greatest joys. Your story matters and she can't wait to jump into yours and help you uncover the catalyst God is ready to use to help you shift from surviving to thriving.

Email Amber at HerCatalystCoaching@gmail.com


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