Elyse Boland


Do you feel discouraged by your relationship status? Do you feel called to full-time ministry but feel ill-quipped without a partner? Are you yearning to pursue your dreams but feel uncertain of your next steps? After spending a majority of her 20’s single, starting a business while she was still in college, and stepping into full-time ministry as a single woman, Elyse has overcome the feelings of doubt, fear, and breaking societal expectations. She walked through years of discouragement towards her purpose and now on the other side, desires to equip and encourage other young women with these same dreams. Elyse has a passion to disciple women in their faith and teach them that nothing outside of the Father defines who they are. Regardless of relationship status, cultural expectations, fear or uncertainty, they can live as Women Made Whole, today.

Email Elyse at elysecampbellcoaching@gmail.com


Hannah Labarbera


Tara Craig