IE with Emily coaching

Ready to break free from dieting cycles and find empowerment? Intuitive Eating Coaching can help!

Tired of struggling with your body, constant food worry, and tracking every bite? Out of touch with your hunger and fullness cues? Frustrated with the scale and ready for a fresh start? I understand, I've been there too! As an Intuitive Eater since 2020, I know the brave step to move from yo-yo dieting to finding food and body freedom through Intuitive Eating. True freedom comes from combining scripture truth with Intuitive Eating principles.

As your coach, I'll help you identify and defeat lies, finding genuine peace in Christ. Whether new to Intuitive Eating or seeking guidance, I've been where you are! I'd love to listen to your story, help you overcome obstacles, and determine a new path forward together.

Email Emily at:


Brittany Pomeroy


Emily Wertz