JamieLee Kramer

Do you feel like you always have words of encouragement bubbling up inside of you and don’t know where to put them?

Do you have an eye for noticing things most others don’t?

Do you have a way of stringing words into sentences that make people tear up or gets them to take an action step?

Do you love being creative and expressing yourself in unique ways?

If you’re feeling a little lost whenever you step into the waves of the internet, you’re not alone. But that is the thing, you are never supposed to feel or be alone! As a Social Media + Writing Coach, I will ride the waves of the internet alongside you and teach you how to surf. I will coach you through a strategic strategy that will have you approaching social media from a position of peace, not of chaos.

Do you prefer to use your words in more long-ended writing forms like emails lists, blogs, books, etc? That’s amazing! There are many things that deserve more space than a social media caption character limits. If you have a goal to write more in these ways but don’t know where to start — we will come up with a strategic plan, together. We will answer questions like — Who is it I want to talk to? Who is already listening to me? Where do I want to lead them with my words?
We will clarify the vision that helps you move forward in confidence.

Your words are powerful — they need to be in the hearts of others. How will they get there if you don’t get them out of that pretty little head of yours?


Lauren Thomas


Robyn Owen-West