

You’re standing on the edge of a new opportunity or maybe a new season of change. You know the drill. You feel the stir in your heart. You see the possibility of what could be. You begin imagining the path forward. Inevitably the questions creep in. Is this really what I should do? How will I make it work? Do I even have what it takes?

In over 30 years of marriage, mothering, and ministry, Julie Wesley has stood in that place more than a few times. Sometimes she boldly moved forward and other times she let fear or insecurity hold her back. The growth that came in the experiences of those years became the spark of her passion for encouraging and cheering on women like you to courageously pursue the gifts and calling God has placed in your heart.

Through one-on-one coaching Julie will help you explore what's at the root of your restlessness, frustration, or insecurity. She'll support you as you discover and give voice to the gifts and goals God has given you, and empower you to make a plan of action that will propel you into confident steps forward.

God has invited you and called you to a life of purpose. Are you ready?

Email Julie at juliewesleycoaching@gmail.com


Allison Rodgers


Hollie Golden