Have you ever been chatting with a new acquaintance, and then connected on a random point so quickly that you became instant best friends? I’ve noticed that adoptees understand one another on that level, and we are rarely, if ever, connected with each other in our communities, especially in our churches. If you’re an adoptee or a former foster youth, you’ll know this, too— we need that community immensely as we navigate identity and relational wounds that are complex and deeply rooted. However, God has shown me even deeper healing and comfort in the fact that He has set a legacy for us even before the pain and trauma adoption can bring— a legacy of being loved in, and created for, relationship with Him. Knowing this, we can move forward in confidence and reconciliation in other areas of our lives. At Legacy Led, I’m seeking to help adoptees and their loved ones rest, find resources, and fully embrace their legacy as beloved sons & daughters in the Kingdom of God. We’re looking to find unity & hope as only Christ can bring. We’re asking our families, churches, clinics, nonprofits, and communities to come alongside us in enacting Micah 6:8 when it comes to generational healing: to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God, alongside us, arm-in-arm. We have something for everyone over at Legacy Led: podcasting, coaching, speaking, writing, and above all, seeking the face of the One who loves us most. I can’t wait to get to know you.

Email Kristin: hello@legacyled.org


Lindsey Teel


Megan Crary