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The best relationship healing and growth doesn’t start with them—it starts with you.

Your marriage didn’t start out this way—frustrated, withdrawn, tired. You can’t quite pinpoint how you got here, but the wildly joyful marriage you’ve been dreaming of (and once had) feels out of reach.

And it’s not just the marriage that’s stale. The friends don’t seem to stick around. Your relationship with Jesus, even, feels touch-and-go at best.
For all your effort and best intentions…there’s something missing.

I get it.

I’m Monica, your relationship coach. I’ve guided women just like you to:

  • Cultivate a deeper connection with their spouse

  • Develop spiritual disciplines & stronger foundation in their faith

  • Build confidence in their authentic, non-people-pleasing self

  • Cultivate real friendships (that stick around and go beyond surface level)

  • Express their needs and expectations in an effective and healthy way

  • Identify roadblocks in their relationships & life and take steps to move past them

  • Grow in self-awareness (understand why they say, feel and do the things they do)

  • Utilize relationship engagement tools

  • Set and maintain healthy boundaries

  • Develop conflict resolution skills

And so much more!

I believe the best of your relationship is yet to come, and I want to coach you—the real, raw, authentic you—to that place. Let's start by meeting for a (virtual) cup of coffee! You can schedule your coffee date here.


Allison Bailey


Chrissy Huffman