The Nest coaching

My personal mission is to empower women to embrace their full potential.

What began as a focus on self-care has evolved into a passion for helping women discover their true selves and live boldly for God. Self-love is not just about self-acceptance, but also about understanding our Creator and the purpose He has for us. He designed us for MORE - to live loudly, step forward confidently, and share our gifts and voices without apology. It's time for women to stop shrinking and start showing up, taking their rightful place in the world. When we do, we inspire others to do the same, creating a ripple effect of faith, encouragement, and impact.

Through coaching, I've helped countless women unlock their stories, overcome obstacles, and pursue their callings. At The Nest, we're dedicated to helping you move from playing small to living chosen. Join me on this journey, and together, let's seek, speak, and soar into the lives God has destined for us!

Email Monique at:


Lauren Venable


Amy E Hancock