Are you feeling stress from a life filled with a career, family, ministry, or maybe all three and finding it difficult to make time for yourself or your health? Have you tried to do all the right things to be well and keep failing or feel stuck? Have you been recently diagnosed with a devastating dis-ease or illness and searching for your path to wellness or maybe your family line has endured many diagnoses and you would like to change the course of your own outcome?

Over the past 18 years, Nicole has been walking out her own path of wellness after a divorce had her seeking help for indescribable and unsolvable physical pain. Finding out she was not adequately nourishing herself; she has been planting new seeds of truth for her mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical wellness. Through a holistic approach, her faith in God, and a community of women, Nicole has seen God do amazing work in and through her journey.

A favorite verse as a new believer became her mantra “Do not conform by the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the daily renewing of your mind” Romans 12:2

It all started with this verse, and she realized health starts in the mind. What we believe, becomes our truth.

Not only passionate about food and health with a wealth of education, but a career also overseeing cancer prevention, a graduate of the Academy of Culinary Nutrition, a chef for a family of 4, and personal experience cooking mostly plant foods since 2006, she knows health starts with a mindset and food is a contributing factor.

With a non-judgmental approach and the understanding, we are all unique and have different needs, Nicole desires to come alongside you and help you navigate your own journey to wellness.

Make an important decision for your life!

Email Nicole at hellonourishedup@gmail.com


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