Rachel Kwiatkowski
Hey friend, are you tired? You’re exhausted from making decisions and choices because you feel like you “should”. Are you stuck? You feel like something is missing from your life but can’t quite put your finger on it. Are you longing for more? You have gifts and passions and desires but aren’t sure how to make anything happen with them. Take a deep breath; you’ve come to the right place. You’re not alone and you don’t have to stay where you are.
You can create an abundant life. You can move past the things that you hold back. For years I didn’t think I could love my job. I didn’t think I could quit my job that wasn’t fulfilling and spend time searching for what I was truly made to do. I finally silenced the voices telling me what I should do and listened to what I felt I was being called to. I want the same for you.
I believe it’s possible to have joy every single day. A fulfilling life is not only reserved for people who have “made it” or have it all together. Every single one of us can have a life we love. With a toolbelt full of questions and a heart full of compassion, I will help guide you into the next right steps. I will help free you from the “shoulds” and propel you into an abundant life. This is your courageous next step, let’s go!
Email Rachel at rachel@coachingwithrachelrose.com