Sasha Walls
For years, I have struggled with body image issues. Whether obsessing over how I looked or completely checking out and neglecting my body, I have ridden the roller coaster ride of shame and defeat in my own skin. It held me back from stepping into my passions and purpose because I was too consumed with the struggle to see a way forward. But, as I allowed the Lord access to ALL of me, I began to experience breakthrough in this area for the first time in my life. "Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." 2 Corinthians 3:17. This freedom could not have come from a number on the scale or a certain jean size. In order for there to be lasting change, there has to be INNER transformation first. My heart is for women to expereince freedom in their bodies, learning to move and nourish their bodies as an act of love and worship. I want women to know their worth and purpose in Christ, so that they can step boldly into all that He has called them to! So, let's go! Let's get F.I.T. (Free In The Spirit) to move forward!
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