We are oftentimes our biggest critics when it comes to the gifts that we have been given. We can acknowledge the gift, but we aren’t bold enough to share it. Could it be because we fear that our gift is insignificant? Could it be that we are afraid that people would think we are “too much”? STOP RIGHT THERE! Meet Toi. Through Toi’s coaching, she encourages you to acknowledge and boldly accept the gifts God has birthed with you. If you don’t exercise it, who will? She often poses this question “Will you continue to play it small or GO FOR It?” She leads by awakening, encouraging, and empowering the gifts that already are inside of you. If you have breath in your lungs, you have a purpose. If you can communicate, you have influence. Friend, YOU MATTER. You matter to God, and you matter to others. Toi is here to awaken the greatness inside of you and empower you to become all you were created for. As Toi would say: Friend, you are not a house cat, YOU ARE A LIONESS! Let's play BIG!

Email Toi at coachingwithtoi@gmail.com


Hannah Gottschalk


Tiffany Seldon