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It’s 9pm and you’ve finally closed your laptop for the day, eyes burning from too much screen time. You’ve got the 9-5 going and in the cracks of life you’re building out the mission that God has whispered to your heart. But once that screen closes, the thoughts rush in:

What if people find out I don’t know what I’m doing?

This all feels… hollow — something is missing.
I’ve got these people looking to me to lead — what if let them down?

I’ve been there, friend. I’ve done the side-hustle ministry life, I’ve been pulled into leadership positions and left out to dry, I’ve tried to make mission happen on my own strength.

Most of all — I’ve longed for an intimate friendship with God that gives me and my Kingdom mission life, breath, and joy. And I want the same thing for you.

I help ministry leaders and teams build healthy, deeply-rooted lives so they can make on-mission moves for God’s Kingdom (no burnout, thank you very much).

I use an eclectic approach for a personalized understanding of self and your unique creation, paired with straight-from-Scripture modalities that have been used by the saints for centuries to open themselves up to the transformation of God’s grace.

Unlike life coaching or reading on your own, working with me gives you personalized and on-going support as you develop spiritual rhythms to fit your life and mission.

We’re doing outer and inner work together. We’ll outline your ministry development plan (whether that’s your 9-5 career, your totally unpaid volunteer church ministry, your podcast, your whole multi-million-dollar-biz) and we’ll also build a custom rule of life to give you the foundation in Christ you need for a truly thriving life and ministry.

Let’s get to work — your soul deserves it, and the Kingdom depends on it!

Email Victoria at


Kalin Pike


Breanna LaShell