Hey friends, Jess here!
I’m here with your second post-Recover check-in, and I want us to take a moment to revisit and process the Recovering Calling Session, Session 2.
1. Let’s dive into scripture together.
First, some further reading. We talked about John 20, Jesus calling Mary Magdalene’s name, during our event. But here are a few other scriptural moments for you to consider:
Acts 9:1-19
Luke 1
- What is true about God in these stories?
- What do you learn about calling?
- What can we learn from these stories?
2. Let’s look back at our past + callings.
A lot of us struggle with calling because of untrue words that have been spoken over our lives - words of defeat, limitation, or even defamation against us when we’ve stepped into various callings. It’s probably well past time for us to process those with God.
- What was said to you or about you in regards to your calling
- What were you taught calling should “look like”?
- Sit with God and ask Him what He thinks about calling. Check: does His voice sound loving, compassionate, and in line with scripture? If He sounds discouraging, it may be other voices creeping in.
- What would it look like to take the time you need to grieve and potentially forgive whoever said those things to you?
3. Further Resources
You Are The Girl For The Job: y’all, I’m not tooting my own horn, it’s just the subtitle is Daring to Believe the God who CALLS You :)
Entrusted this study by Beth Moore has helped me process calling for the last few years.
4. A question we didn’t get to:
Someone asked this question during the event, and we didn’t get to talk about it in full. “What do I do if I feel the reason I'm not fulfilling my calling is bc all of my life is wrapped up in other mission/church things?”
Here’s my two cents: I think that often we have to say not to things we’re offered to do to honor what we’re called to do. And that’s risky! But the truth is: no one else can take the authority you have in your own life to say “THIS is the area He has called me to! This is the ground I’m supposed to tend in this season.”
5. My calling coaching:
In all our follow-up correspondence, I’ll be getting a little transparent and sharing MY responses to the semi-intense questions I asked you. It’s only fair, right? Hopefully, it helps you keep processing your own God-given dreams, calling, rhythms/boundaries, and bravery. See my actual real-life answers below: