Hey friends, Jess here!

I’m here with your first post-Recover check-in, and I want us to take a moment to revisit and process the Recovering Dreams Session, session 1.

1. Let’s dive into scripture together.

First, some further reading: has it been a while since you read the story of Joseph? I can’t help but encourage you to check out Genesis 37-45. Read it and think about the following:

- What is true about God in these stories?
- What is true about dreams?
- What can we learn from the way the story played out?

2. Let’s look back at past hurts.

A lot of us struggle with dreaming because of untrue words that have been spoken over our lives - words of discouragement or too-much-ness. It’s probably well past time for us to process those with God.

- What was said to you or about you that made you want to stop dreaming?

- Sit with God and ask Him what He thinks about those words spoken over your life. Check: does His voice sound loving, compassionate, and in line with scripture? If He sounds shameful, condemnation may still be at play.
- What would it look like to take the time you need to grieve and potentially forgive whoever said those things to you?

3. Further Resources

  • Dream Big by Bob Goff: I read this book during our sabbatical in 2020, and it might have changed my life.

  • Vision Driven Leader by Michael Hyatt is an incredible resource if you need to lead other people in dreaming.

4. A question we didn’t get to:

Someone asked this question during the event, and we didn’t get to talk about it in full. “Are dreams and callings connected? Should our calling reflect our dreams?”

My gut reaction is: that if they’re opposed in some way, that’s worth exploring. Made up example: my dream is to own an alpaca farm and live off the grid. My calling is to minister to youth in a busy downtown neighborhood.

Listen, the coach in me still wants to make this work. :) But that’s an example of dreams and callings that I’d want to hold up to the light and ask, “God - what are you doing here?”.

I think your dreams could be an extension of your calling. They could be an expression of your calling! But they don’t have to be identical.

5. My current dreams.

In all our follow-up correspondence, I’ll be getting a little transparent and sharing MY responses to the semi-intense questions I asked you. It’s only fair, right? Hopefully, it helps you keep processing your own God-given dreams, calling, rhythms/boundaries, and bravery. See my actual real-life answers below: