Are Work and Rest at War?

We are women who get to work and get to rest in the name of Jesus. If we're living with a kingdom perspective, we can find freedom in working out of a place of rest and not the other way around – and know that the two aren't at war, and we don't have to perfectly “balance” them. That’s good news for this week! Rest is productive for our souls. May we prayerfully be in tune with the Holy Spirit inside of us to pay attention to our own places of fatigue, to figure out what kind of exhausted we are, and to find rest in those places to keep moving the kingdom forward.


Take what you need, try what you can. Read on for five ways to help you appreciate both work and rest this week, and listen to Episode 166 of the GATG Podcast for even more insight into this topic.


God gives rest to those He loves. Psalm 127:2


You’re Not Stuck


Grace to Stop Striving