Grace to Stop Striving
Hey friend. If you're already feeling behind this year, we invite you to let any striving cease. You don't have to reinvent yourself this year. God made you with intention and purpose, and He's not surprised by where you're at.
Read on for six questions to help you stop the striving and choose grace and agreement instead. For more, listen to Episode 164 of the Go and Tell Gals podcast. Our striving is not enough, but the Gospel is.
You don’t have to. God sees you and has a plan for you.
You can let them go. God is the one who makes things new - you don’t always have to. Trust Him.
That isn’t the language of the Holy Spirit. Ask God what He thinks about you.
His power is made perfect in your weakness. We’re only human. We don’t have to be the hero.
Don’t forget to count the fruit. Don’t miss out on what God has done.
Remember, He didn’t make a mistake. His power is made perfect in weakness.