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You want a full and purpose-filled life. You have hopes and dreams but you don't know how to reach them. Your plate is full and you feel burned out. Maybe you have all the things you thought you wanted but you've lost yourself along the way. Brittany has been there; she knows those feelings of being stuck, dissatisfied, without clarity and purpose.

Brave Grace Co. was born out of Brittany's passion for equipping women who feel overwhelmed and defeated to find fullness and freedom in who they are and what they are made for. As a certified enneagram coach, Brittany equips women like you to find grace for themselves and take brave action into the things they are passionate about using one-on-one, group and enneagram coaching. You were made for something more and you don't have to figure it out alone. Take your first brave step.

Email Brittany at


Liz Gadbaugh


Amber Lichty