Do you have a fire burning in your heart to get away from the endless hustle of this world? When was the last time you disconnected from all the chaos? When was the last time you felt heard or truly seen? Where do you want to go? How are you going to get there? If you genuinely desire to discover clarity, build the kingdom, launch your vision into reality and maybe even go on a wild adventure, Liz Gadbaugh Coaching is so glad you have wandered here!

Liz sees life through the eyes of one who has led wilderness expeditions for over a decade. She loves whitewater rafting, podcasts, and down jackets (even in the summer)! She and her husband adventure + serve together as Camp Directors. Most importantly, she is passionate about the gospel and building into the kingdom of God. Her dream is to return to Cambodia one day, to serve on the frontlines of the fight against the exploitation of children.

She wholeheartedly believes in helping millennials transition from feeling lost in the wilderness of confusion to finding clarity in their true purpose. Liz Gadbaugh Coaching (LGC) is here to guide those who find themselves in the wilderness season. People often mistake a wilderness season for God abandoning them, but it’s quite the opposite. He has always been faithful to use the wilderness to transform, refine, and equip His children for future seasons. The wilderness season is where God gives you what you need, not what you want. When you find yourself wandering in the wilderness season, coaching is a transformative tool that gives you the opportunity to take tangible steps forward.

Building the kingdom, one student at a time.
Building the kingdom, one millennial at a time. 
Building the kingdom, one entrepreneur at a time.
No longer wandering, but awakened to your true purpose.

Are you ready for the adventure of a lifetime? Sign up for a free discovery call with Liz today!

Email Liz at lizgadbaugh@gmail.com


Megan DeShazo


Brittany Taylor