Em Tyler is passionate about helping you Grow + Go. Getting you unstuck from whatever is holding you back (practically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually) so you can move forward in freedom and go fully confident in the direction God’s calling you. Wherever you may be stuck, Em can help you find the answers you’re looking for.

Grow in Faith >> Go in Freedom Grow in Vision >> Go in Purpose Grow in Understanding >> Go in Wisdom Grow in Clarity >> Go in Peace Grow in Vulnerability >> Go in Community Grow in Love >> Go in Service Grow in Depth >> Go in Boldness Grow in Trust >> Go in Christ

I was always the good girl, the high achiever, the people pleaser. Despite many accolades and much success, I went through life dancing from one thing to the next never quite sure where I ‘fit’. Desperately trying to find my place. The place where ‘it’ would all slot together and I’d know I was in the center of God’s will for my life. Desperate to make a difference. Desperate to see the words of the Bible match my life. Desperate to know what it would look like to delight in the Lord no matter the season, situation or scenario. After a particularly hard season of being told to get back in the box, stop overreaching and simmer down, I received coaching that transformed my life. The scales fell from my eyes as I discovered more of what God had to say about me, specifically, personally, me. And, with that knowledge, how He wanted me to bring Him glory and serve others. Going through coaching allowed the truth of what I’d learnt growing up in church to mesh with what was going on in my head. Lies were dispelled, truth was revealed. And since then, I am growing in pursuing the call He’s placed on my life. I am growing in understanding what that looks like practically, and I am in awe that I ‘get to’ use the gifts and skills that bring me most joy and go on this adventure with Him. I want that for you, too. Let’s grow + go together!

In addition to being a GATG certified Coach, Em is also a certified NLP Practitioner and Transformation Coach, an international speaker, author, and pastor.

Email Em at:


Tara Tonsetic


Veronica Rodriguez