My name is Veronica, but people call me 'V.' My name comes from the Latin origin meaning: She who brings Victory; True Image. This meaning is where True Image Coaching was born.

I am invested in the Kingdom and love to encourage women and remind them of who they are – that God loves them and has a plan for their lives. It is my heart's desire to co-labor with the Lord and build community with His love and teaching of His Word. I live in Northern California and love spending time with friends over coffee, dinner or trips to the beach. I am the office manager at my church where I also serve in the Recovery Ministry.  I get to walk alongside women as they find healing and freedom over their hurts, habits and hang-ups.  Being a licensed Identity Coach allows me to speak life into women and find the purest gold in them!

I have come to believe knowing who you are and whose you are, is the key that unlocks a love that only God can sustain. One of my spiritual gifts is exhortation. I love encouraging people and bringing out the gold that is inside of them. When I speak, I call forth the good in people, making them feel loved and seen. My desire is to come alongside others and help them to be exceptionally good at what they do. I do this with my commitment in cultivating a caring and nurturing place for others to feel safe as I edify and inspire them to live in their God-given identity and walk in the fullness of Christ.

I hold a degree in Bible Theology and Counseling Psychology from William Jessup University and am working toward getting my certificate in Prophetic Processing.  I love Prophetic Processing  because it allows you to journey with the Creator of this world and explore a deeper understanding of His thoughts toward you. It is an intimate and beautiful experience that deepens your love, strengthens your trust and heightens your awareness of the Father.

Email Veronica at:


Em Tyler


Sara Tindall