Do you feel led to share your story but feel stuck with fear holding you back? Have you tried telling your story but it comes out as a jumbled mess that sounds like word vomit? Or you just can’t get out from behind the story of being a victim to one of being the VICTOR? I get it, that was me too. Hi, I’m Nicci Brelje, I’m a storyteller by trait. With over 10 years in the media industry, I’ve interviewed hundreds of people who shared their stories in order to help others. Anyone from hairstylists to nonprofits to CEOs. In this storytelling process, I saw many people who were hurting emotionally, mentally and spiritually. So I quit my corporate job in television to dive deeper into facilitating conversations to promote healing and wellness. I believe wholeheartedly true recovery and healing from things like drugs and alcohol to grief and loss involves a complete overhaul, beginning with our words. I’ve learned there is no special formula to tell your story, despite the hundreds of podcasts, Ted Talks and self help books out there who say otherwise. However, I will share some tips and practical application along the way in the form of authenticity, truth, and vulnerability. In my experience, I have learned words speak life or death over your situations and circumstances. Words also speak life or death over your mind, body and spirit. That’s why I have made it my goal to help women tell their story to promote overall healing and wellness. I would love to partner with you to help you reshape your story to nourish your mind, body and spirit so you can live life in victory and help others do the same. Sharing your story is the key that unlocks other people's prison. In all reality, our story is never about us, it’s about reaching our hand out to help the next person who is walking through what we have overcome… and there’s healing in that. It begins with the willingness to see things differently, to overcome a victim mentality, and choose to be the Lighthouse...a LIVING Lighthouse. Let me come alongside you to help you rewrite your story.

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Janai Brown


Amber Schumacher