I spent 15 years developing, building, and leading thriving women’s ministries, but I always found myself advocating for the same thing over and over again. Why was I meeting so many women that were playing small or operating from a place of defeat in their life and faith? What was missing and what could I do about it? My curiosity (yep the same one that drove my parents bonkers as a little girl) led me on an adventure to uncover what kept women from living fully on mission with Kingdom Resilience, loving the grit and grace life, accessing confidence and courage and changing the negative narratives we so often face. That work started with ME, but it led me to YOU! My fascination with our brains and hearts grew exponentially when our son was diagnosed with ADHD. My own downward spiral led me to a deep desperation to help our family. In that, I discovered I was not alone. Women from all over the world are being bossed around by dusty unchecked old narratives, half-truths, and flat-out lies. After a deep dive into educating myself about the ADHD brain and some profound personal coaching; I found myself in a coaching certification program, seminary, and a Positive Intelligence training program. These programs have given me greater access to real tools to shake things up and help you get unstuck! The abundant life is for you, but we have to get to the roots that are keeping you from accessing deep God-given empathy, the ability to explore, navigate, innovate and take meaningful action free from toxic negativity, broken narratives, and lies that hold you back. Let's go do that together!


Nicci Brelje


Elle Flowers